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Bremen Classic Motorshow



vrijdag 31 januari 2025 t.e.m. zondag 2 februari 2025

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Findorffstraße 101
28215 Bremen (DE)

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Since 2003, the Bremen Classic Motorshow has been the first classic vehicle show of each year.

Over three days at the start of the season, more than 46,000 visitors flock to the over 52,000-m² exhibition area spread over eight halls where they can find everything to do with classic vehicles.

About 730 dealers and private sellers from ten countries offer cars, motorcycles, spare parts, restoration materials and memorabilia for sale. What's more, over 100 clubs dedicated to a wide range of brands present their treasures in spectacularly inventive style. Prices that are affordable for a broad public, the original parts market and unique themed shows for cars and motorcycles have for years been the successful formula behind the Bremen Classic Motorshow.

It's a forum for friends, enthusiasts, experts, collectors and grease monkeys to get together for chats and the occasional technical discussion in a relaxed atmosphere.


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terug naar overzicht
Mistral Classics - premium classic cars - restauratie & onderhoud
Belgisch Brits Centrum - Britse oldtimers: verkoop, wisselstukken, onderhoud en restauraties
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California Import - oldtimers uit Californië
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Legendary Classics - verkoop van oldtimers
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Claeys - oldtimer onderdelen
Marlog Car Handling - verschepen en importeren van oldtimers
Aarschots Carrosserie Center - oldtimer restauratie
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Catawiki online oldtimer veiling
Cleansurface group by Sodablast - stralen en coaten
Oldtimer Glas Polijsten - krasverwijdering op oldtimer glas
Anglo Parts - onderdelen voor Engelse oldtimers
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Wens jij ook publiciteit via Oldtimerweb? Neem dan vrijblijvend contact op voor meer info.
Claeys - oldtimer onderdelen
Marlog Car Handling - verschepen en importeren van oldtimers
Aarschots Carrosserie Center - oldtimer restauratie
Goedkope oldtimerverzekering bij ERARD verzekeringen
Catawiki online oldtimer veiling
Cleansurface group by Sodablast - stralen en coaten
Oldtimer Glas Polijsten - krasverwijdering op oldtimer glas
Anglo Parts - onderdelen voor Engelse oldtimers
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